VMGears VH

Testing and Quality Control


VMGears VH performs a dedicated analysis of each single machine of the driveline during the vehicle testing, identifying which of them is responsible for abnormal behaviours.

Wheeled vehicles are tested as soon as they exit from production line. The user drives each vehicle following a specific procedure: during this test the vibrations are collected and analyzed by VMGears VH. 

VMGears VH performs a correlation analysis between sound pressure measured inside the driver cabin and the vibrations measured on the vehicle frame in order to diagnose the complete driveline.

VMGears VH is dedicated to vibrational and acoustic analysis of the drivelines mounted on vehicles.

VMGears VH allows a quick hardware set-up, thanks to a compact, lightweight control unit operated by an industrial tablet, and accelerometers with magnets for fast connection.

VMGears VH displays the vehicle health status as soon as the test is over, indicating the defective component by a red light.

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